
Apllication letter

  Nama : Banyu rimba Kelas  : XII TAV 1 Absen : 08 Application Letter Definisi An application letter or job application letter is a document sent to company leaders or recruiters to apply for a job. This letter contains specific interests, qualifications and experiences that are considered relevant to fill the available job vacancies. This job application letter should highlight your accomplishments and skills to catch the attention of recruiters or HR. Function/Purpose:  When written well, this cover letter will explain to the reader why they should invite you for an interview and judge you as a good fit for the job vacancy available. Lay out teks structure: Expression:   •Opening     Dear John Smith,     Dear John Smith,     Dear Ms. Smith,     Dear Ms. Smith,    •Reasoning       I am particularly interested in this job, as..            I am particularly interested in thi...

Pengalamanku saat PKL

  Assalamualaikum teman teman... disini aku mau menceritakan pengalaman ku selama magang di SANKEN semarang. On date 3 january 2022 day first i banyu rimba apprenticeship together figo al firdaus in Sanken service, which is at in road wr.supratman number 47. We leave o'clock six morning until there it turns out open it o'clock nine and we wait until open day first that we ber 2 requested memperkenalkan self with employee there then introduced product sanken keep going notified advantages product          After introduction self and introduction product we requeted for sweep after sweep i confusion then we go to the place service for ask product what which must done keep going i requested for repair wahing machine which damaged and replace fanbel his,walk time on agternoon day o'clock showing o'clock 17:00 it's time employee go home and momet o'clock 17:10 gate closed we taught method close door gate office keep going can we even go home, tomorrow day, day s...